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Our Dance, the Art of Change!


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Premiere - August 17, 


Itaú Cultural Room

São Paulo - SP.

Premiere - September 02, 2017.

Stage on the street in front of the Katiana Pena Institute.

Fortaleza - CE.

Premiere - May 06, 


Dragão do Mar Cultural Center Theatre.

Fortaleza - CE.

Premiere - June 05, 2015.

Marcus Miranda Theatre - Bom Jardim Cultural Center.

Fortaleza - CE.

© 2019 - CorpoMudança, created by Katiana Pena Institute.

+55 85 98956.8088 | +55 85 98673.9418 

# Do Bom Jardim para o Mundo!

  • YouTube - círculo cinza
  • Instagram - Cinza Círculo
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