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Premiere - Bom Jardim Cultural Center


General Director: Katiana Pena

Artistic Director: Anderson Carvalho

Choreographers: Katiana Pena | Anderson Carvalho | Lucas Linon

Executive Producer: Bruno Matos

Dancers: André Vitor | Cibele Araújo | Elayne Moura | Gutemberg Morais | Ivina Ferreira | Luana Falcão | Maria Antônia | Tainar Mendes.

Costume: Matias Ateliê

Soundtrack: Schicco Salles

Scenario: Jardel Lima

Release: Ícaro Martins

Pedagogical Assistant: Ícaro Martins

Video Editing: Pedro Cela |Eduardo Cunha Souza

Graphic Designers: Mário Neto | Diego Chaves


It’s in the neighborhood that we create our dance. It gives us inspiration. And from this broken urban periphery we want to reveal the origins of the coming of the countryside of our families and the local abode marked by a scenery of lakes, palm trees, coconut trees and the peace of our beginnings. Before that, as before a mirror, we set sail for our memory, where our history is born.


Our research is based on the voices of our ancients, who narrate their experiences and strengthen our sense of belonging for our place in the world, our part that fits us in this immense Brazil. “Here it was good to grow chickens in the yard… I used to look for canned water on my head up there,” said Mrs. Didi, a strong, warlike woman like so many other women in our territory. The narratives of our people feed our souls and make our bodies move. These were days of hard work and nights of peace, much faith.


Proud of our peers, we perform archetypes in order to earn the blessing, such as the blessing of mother, father, grandmother and grandpa. We evoke our healers, highlighting our culture, our way, our ability to reinvent life..


Our territory is our womb torn and expanded to make us welcome and peaceful. We want some peace. Our territory is our home, our tent, our broken one resembling so many other contexts of this world of my God. Our territory, in every corner, reminds us of our affections, episodes, trajectories and emotions that cuddle the heart.


From our neighborhood, we want to celebrate the life that walks tough as in a procession ... And our prayer consists in asking the saints, beings, ancestral forces that our day runs to honor the commitment of our older sages. To these, we ask permission and blessing to move on, because we are also them, they are, who are such beautiful people ...

Our turn is to connect the times gone, the lived and the coming, interbreeding distinct generations that are in the same shared region. Because we are convinced that we are what memory does not allow us to forget, because once reflected in us, memory, it raises our gaze, which projects from the body to a vast horizon of expectation. And, energized with hope, we dance from here to the world.

© 2019 - CorpoMudança, created by Katiana Pena Institute.

+55 85 98956.8088 | +55 85 98673.9418 

# Do Bom Jardim para o Mundo!

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  • Instagram - Cinza Círculo
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