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Take our essence of Favela and street to the great stages of the world, bringing in our movements the peripheral reality, enhancing and aggregating values never desired by those who come from the periphery, showing our identity through the beautiful movement of life.

Caldeirão do Huck - Globo TV


The Company consists of a productive group of art, formed by the educators and learners of the Katiana Pena Institute, who present better technical performances in dance and who make up the cast of shows. They began their artistic work in 2007, and today, they are a reference in dance in the great Bom Jardim, keeping an exponential growth in the dance scene, within the state of Ceará.

With a greater workload and differentiated training programs, the members act in the construction of ballets, in rehearsals of repertoire, in presentations, seasons and trips, representing the institution and revealing the technical development and creative capacity that transform their own lives.   

The company became widely known when it was invited to perform on the stage of the TV program "Caldeirão do Huck" in December 2018. The program is shown by the largest TV station in Brazil, and the presentation was broadcast throughout the country, as well as to the more than 130 countries in which the channel is broadcast.

© 2019 - CorpoMudança, created by Katiana Pena Institute.

+55 85 98956.8088 | +55 85 98673.9418 

# Do Bom Jardim para o Mundo!

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  • Instagram - Cinza Círculo
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